The Gaming collab

Welcome to the gaming collab! a collab with the trollpasta community with the intent of writing a trollpasta about a topic!

what is the gaming collab?

the gaming collab is a collab about gaming

what are the rules?

the rules are:
1: the pasta you are making

''must ''

be about a game or something like a game theory.
2: Submit your pasta in the "


" section down below.
3: in your title you must put ((entry for the gaming collab)) or something like that. why? because that way we can tell that someone just did not rehash a pasta they found in the "vidya games" category
4: your stories must be posted by 10/31/15 (AKA Halloween)
5: put your user name at the end of the link in the of the pastas section like this: ((link)) by (username)
6: have fun!


by Handsome Jerk